In general perspective the the difference between ABP Free members and upgraded is high.
But prinkly to say that between the upgraded members the upgraded value is very low, i.e. the awarded value between ABP BRONZE, ABP GOLD AND ABP GOLD MAX is negligible.
the upgradation values are given as follow:
ABP GOLD= 17.95
ABP Gold Max = 64.95
I tried all the upgraded status to my accounts and i observe that the awarded values in respect of advertisements, offerwalls etc are negligible.
I request/propose to the ABP team to make some difference between the upgraded members in shape of ABP Premimium ads, offerwalls and adgrid.
Your cooperations in this respect will highly be appreciated.
Dawood Khan Malakandi
Today i have completed 6000 adgrid clicks
ABP paid very low today..........
My today's earnings is .094
Today earned low atbadgrid 0.015