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ABP News Updated 4/16/24

Published on Apr 16th, 2024 03:47 pm

Please do not make more then one account per household. If you are caught with multiple accounts you will be banned!

Did you know AdBuxPro has a terrific refund policy? Check our terms of service for more information! Click Here!

Please keep your account secure. Use 2FA to protect yourself from lost or stolen funds. We are not responsible if you let your account become compromised.

Terms and Service Last Updated: April 1, 2024. Updated Section 6. Purchases and Payments.


4/16/24: Paypal or Check Payments are NOW Activated on the withdraw page (same button for both)! This will only be availbe for KYC Verified members! You can find the button to sign up for this in the personal settings under the general information tab. If you want to be paid by Paypal or Check and you are not yet verified please contact us to enable KYC identity verification on your account so you can access these payment methods for cashout. (This will be for cashouts only, the minimum withdraw amout is $5 for Paypal or Check. Withdraw times are 2 to 5 days. Tipalti doesn't send payments on weekends.)


4/1/24: As previously mentioned our memberships have been updated and all memberships will now have unlimited direct referrals. We have lowered some of the prices and have also made our rented referral filters more strict.

3/10/24: We are investigating an issue with our Paid to Promote leaderboard. Fixed!

3/9/24: We have updated the PTC credit prices to be a little cheaper!

12/9/23: Unfortunately we had to remove dogecoin from our system as we are having issues with it. We apologize for the inconvenience.

11/26/23: We apollogize for the low amount of referrals available for purchase. We are working very hard to keep the pools growing...maybe you all can slow down a little haha 🤣, honestly I love seeing it as it's just proof our system works!! Thank you again for everyones support as we continue to grow our amazing community!

10/25/23: Paid to Promote is now active! Simply promote your AdBuxPro referral link and get paid for it! Earnings will be credited once per week by the system.

8/9/23: Official AdBuxPro Discord Created! Please read the rules when coming into our discord for the first time :)

Processor Status:

STRIPE DEPOSITS: Completed Instantly!

CryptoCurrency DEPOSITS:  For Automated Crypto Deposits! We now accept: BNB, BTC, ETH and LTC!

AirTM DEPOSITS:  Completed Manually - Usually within 10 minutes!

AirTM Cashouts: Completed Manually! Completed within 24 hours!

Crypto Cashouts: Completed Manually. Completed within 24 Hours!

Tipalti - Paypal or Check: Paypal payments completed manually in 1 to 5 days. Payments cannot be processed on the weekends. Checks are mailed after 3 to 7 business days.


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