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How to Referral
How to Referral

You have now reached the point where it is that you feel like you want to explore the world of referrals. This is a new dimension of Paid To Click that requires more work, but also pays off wastly more than anything else.

There are two types of referrals and we recommend that you work on both of them for the maximum earning potential that you can have.

In chronological order as shown on the site, then we first have Direct Referrals and option to buy Direct Referrals
After that we have Rented Referrals and option to buy rented referrals.


f you have Direct Referrals, then they will look like this:


If you have any Rented Referrals, then they will look like this:

When trying to buy referrals, it is not always that there will be any available. This is because we are only using real people who have signed up and actually clicked. We do NOT use bots.

Once you have a Direct Referal you get to keep that one forever. You can of couse delete it, if you so wish, but those are the only two options.


Rented referrals will only last for 30 days initially and you will have to pay upkeep on them. You can choose to extend them by either 30, 90 or 365 days.

As you might have noticed, there is a second option in the rented referral section called AutoPay that you can enable and disable. What this does is that it auto renews your referrals each time that they click, by one day.


With direct referrals you do not have this option, this is because once you have your direct referral, then you will get to keep them for ever, unless you want to delete them.

While you can buy the referrals that you need in the system, there is also the option of sharing your referral link with others, on social media or otherwise.
When people use this link they will sing up directly under you as a direct referral.


There you go, now all that is left is for you to gather up as many referrals as you can and make your account on grow!

Author: DaSanko
07.07.2024, 18:02
Comments: 0
Views: 894


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