Ways to add funds

Started by brosecutor May 04th, 2023 at 01:28
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May 04th, 2023 at 01:28

Hi, is there a plan to add more than the current ways to add funds on the account?

Any plans to add Airtm as a way to add funds?


KYC Verified
Posts: 136
May 04th, 2023 at 02:17
brosecutor wrote:

Hi, is there a plan to add more than the current ways to add funds on the account?

Any plans to add Airtm as a way to add funds?




Please remember to check the faq or the processor status on the forum updates page, or read the news for questions like that. You can deposit and cashout with airtm. Since we are still new and not eligible for a enterprise account yet (we only have a business account) we cannot yet use the AirTM api for automatic deposits and cashouts, and because of this you must manually go to AirTM and put in our username to deposit. You just send your deposit to the username: adbuxpro on AirTM and make sure to include your adbuxpro username in the payment note. If you want to speed up the process of us seeing it and processing it, you may create a support ticket or open our live chat to let us know but we usually find it pretty fast as we do check. Thank you for your interest in alternate deposit methods and also to clairfy yes we are planning on bringing new processors in and are working every  day to do so. This month a new crypto currency wallet will be released that will allow direct deposits and cashouts to cryptocurrency addreses. Stay tuned on the news and updates section of the forum for the status changes on these topics.

« Last Edit: May 04th, 2023 at 02:18 by mrhoff »
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May 04th, 2023 at 04:26

Thank you.
I actually forgot I read that on the FAQ and forum post... Apologies for having you answer something that's already answered and thank you for still taking the time to provide an answer!



KYC Verified
Posts: 136
May 04th, 2023 at 08:34
brosecutor wrote:

Thank you.
I actually forgot I read that on the FAQ and forum post... Apologies for having you answer something that's already answered and thank you for still taking the time to provide an answer!





Absolutely no problem at all, I will always answer any questions and I'm sure with all the sites you probably use I know its easy to get some answers mixed up and forget where you saw something. Have a wonderful day!