Bug Verified in Rented Referrals - Fixed

Started by mrhoff May 10th, 2023 at 03:15
KYC Verified
Posts: 134
May 10th, 2023 at 03:15



Thanks to evolutionscript this bug is now patched! Referral recycling is now working properly.


So we have discovered an issue today in the Rented Referral system when it comes to recycling. The process of purchasing rented referrals is working correctly however the process of recycling rented referrals turns out to have a mind of its own 😡 I have verified that when recycling rented referrals the system in some cases is giving away new referrals that haven't actually clicked yet. This is NOT supposed to happen at all and we are investigating the issue. More updates will follow as we discuss this issue with the script provider. We have already made a ticket and bug tested this ourselves. We should have a response soon.

« Last Edit: Jan 02nd, 2024 at 19:34 by mrhoff »
KYC Verified
Posts: 134
May 10th, 2023 at 12:33

Update: I have gotten an update from evolution. They will be doing a patch within 24 hours. :)

ABP Free
Posts: 29
May 11th, 2023 at 01:03
mrhoff wrote:

The process of purchasing rented referrals is working correctly however the process of recycling rented referrals turns out to have a mind of its own 😡 I have verified that when recycling rented referrals the system in some cases is giving away new referrals that haven't actually clicked yet. 



but i just decided to recycle it after 4 days. then the next after 2 days, recycled it again when there is no clicks seen and then tried to recycle it again after 1 day or yesterday for no showing of clicks again.  

yes, they are new rrs and not the old recycled one/ones.


mrhoff wrote:

 More updates will follow as we discuss this issue with the script provider. We have already made a ticket and bug tested this ourselves. We should have a response soon.

Update: I have gotten an update from evolution. They will be doing a patch within 24 hours. :)



thank you for the quick action and update. it's amazing. but hoping, it will be fixed profitably like of what the admin of cordbux solved the issue in the rrs system after bringing it up with him and made some discussions. 😄



mrhoff wrote:

To make up for that I have added 5 rented referrals to your account and small account balance bonus. Thank you for bringing this to my attention.



wow, thank you! 

very much appreciated here and i am pleased though i might be accustomed to your kindness. 😆 but when i looked them over, it's 15 and not just 5 although only 3 rrs have clicks, of course, it's too early to give them a review or feedback. and the best thing is they are FREE. 😊

definitelythis site will be my 2nd fav ptc site next to cordbux. 🙂 let's see in the coming days if it can be ahead of cordbux. pleaseno comparison is taken here. just stating what in my mind is.


mrhoff wrote:

Also this is the price for standard members. It's a lot cheaper for upgraded. 



yes, that's also the saying of other admins. no worries, i'll be getting there, but in just a matter of time and some occurrences/improvements or observations can be seen on the site like what i did or was doing to other ptc sites. as we all know that there are too many scammers online. and that's really confusing me for not believing them in KARMA.

oh, by the way, another surprise i saw while checking the membership prices. are you sure about that? i think, this is too much, but of course, very grateful here.

i guess, your site is ahead now to cordbux. sorry, cordbux. hahaha


mrhoff wrote:

 Also just to note reclycing that many times in a short period may be excessive. 



yes, definitely agreed.  mostly, i was recycling rrs every 5-7 days. but because it is free, i couldn't help myself not to recycle it several times in just 7 days for not seeing any click on it. also, for the reason the rr is too costly or pricey, the ever-highest price of rr i have encountered.    

« Last Edit: May 11th, 2023 at 01:08 by babyruth »
KYC Verified
Posts: 134
May 11th, 2023 at 03:26


yes, definitely agreed.  mostly, i was recycling rrs every 5-7 days. but because it is free, i couldn't help myself not to recycle it several times in just 7 days for not seeing any click on it. also, for the reason the rr is too costly or pricey, the ever-highest price of rr i have encountered.    




Yes I'm more expensive for the initial cost then a lot of RR programs. However I am the only one that is going to offer you free recycling and 95% off extending which in reality makes me cheaper if you think about it. The other sites are going to keep charging you most of that initial cost making it hard to ever get profit and the thing is most RR systems use bots eventually driving your earnings to nothing. I do not. Everything here is honest and real traffic. I designed my system to be more profitable then the other ones. I may be more expensive up front but it is definitely the cheapest you are going to find to keep your referrals and extend them which really makes us better then I think you are realizing. Now if my system will work bug free then you will see this is better then you are used to. That part though I am waiting on from my script provider so hopefully that issue is resolved quickly.




wow, thank you! 

very much appreciated here and i am pleased though i might be accustomed to your kindness. 😆 but when i looked them over, it's 15 and not just 5 although only 3 rrs have clicks, of course, it's too early to give them a review or feedback. and the best thing is they are FREE. 😊

definitelythis site will be my 2nd fav ptc site next to cordbux. 🙂 let's see in the coming days if it can be ahead of cordbux. pleaseno comparison is taken here. just stating what in my mind is.


I added Gold for 1 month to your account as well as the extra referrals after I confirmed the bug existed. The first 5 referrals was just for you bringing it to my attention. Once I realized how bad the bug actually was, I gave you a real reward based on the value of your report. Your report led to evolution informing me they would make a patch. That is a big deal so you get a big reward :).


« Last Edit: May 11th, 2023 at 04:34 by mrhoff »
ABP Free
Posts: 29
May 12th, 2023 at 00:23
mrhoff wrote:

However I am the only one that is going to offer you free recycling and 95% off extending which in reality makes me cheaper if you think about it. 



yes, absolutely agreed.

hoping, it is not just temporary even though it's already bug-free. actually, at 1st, cordbux offered temporary free recycling when the time that some rrs have no clicks or have an issue.

at first, he said also that the rrs system is not a bot, but i said that i most preferred the bot system than the human system providing it is merely all clicking and profitable. and now, out of 500 rrs, only 2 or 3 have low avg or earnings, but i let them run out of time as he returned back the recycling fee after the rrs system was fixed. and the rrs system is very profitable now and very satisfied with the rrs earnings. but i have no idea for those who are not upgraded.

you and other admins are right in saying that an upgraded account is more advantageous/auspicious than those free accounts. 


mrhoff wrote:

I may be more expensive up front but it is definitely the cheapest you are going to find to keep your referrals and extend them which really makes us better then I think you are realizing.



yes already realized that as i previously stated when i saw it. and hoping it will be permanent.


mrhoff wrote:

I added Gold for 1 month to your account as well as the extra referrals after I confirmed the bug existed. The first 5 referrals was just for you bringing it to my attention. Once I realized how bad the bug actually was, I gave you a real reward based on the value of your report. Your report led to evolution informing me they would make a patch. That is a big deal so you get a big reward :).



ok, i will find more and more bugs to get more and more rewards. hahaha

kidding aside, actually, not necessary to get a reward for doing good things as for doing it seeks no return. but in all honesty, i like it. 😅😆😂


mrhoff wrote:

Thanks to evolutionscript this bug is now patched! Referral recycling is now working properly.



ok, i will try that for those rrs that have no activity 4-5 days later.

again, thank you and all the best.

KYC Verified
Posts: 134
May 12th, 2023 at 09:48
yes, absolutely agreed.

hoping, it is not just temporary even though it's already bug-free. actually, at 1st, cordbux offered temporary free recycling when the time that some rrs have no clicks or have an issue.

at first, he said also that the rrs system is not a bot, but i said that i most preferred the bot system than the human system providing it is merely all clicking and profitable. and now, out of 500 rrs, only 2 or 3 have low avg or earnings, but i let them run out of time as he returned back the recycling fee after the rrs system was fixed. and the rrs system is very profitable now and very satisfied with the rrs earnings. but i have no idea for those who are not upgraded.

you and other admins are right in saying that an upgraded account is more advantageous/auspicious than those free accounts. 



My rented referral program will not change unless its to make it better. Recycling will always be free. I will never change that. Extending will always be 95% off or better as well. Also my upgrades are better because they come with a refund policy. If you did not make profit with your upgrade we will extend it for free. If you still can't make profit and we realize upgrading was not a smart move for your account we will issue a refund. As a PTC user myself I decided I wasn't going to run a PTC site I wouldn't be happy using. 


Now when you said you prefer the bot system. I can understand why one might think of that as a good thing but lets look at it from the point of view of the advertiser and then ask is putting in a bot system really smart. Generating artificial traffic and clicks...sounds like it would be harmful to the advertiser. I am here to deliver quality to both sides. Advertisers and members here to just make money should both get a good experience. I can't deliver that if I were to use bots. Which is why I decided I would never buy that addon. I have filters in place to sell only clicking referrals. Now because I can't force people to click I offer free recycling which now that it works properly should make a huge difference to everyone's earnings. The other side of that coin is everything seems great to you while all of them are making you those fake earnings as noone is really clicking ads. That means everything you are getting now will most likely in my opinion come to an end. That is because the admin can control every aspect of what you earn with that addon. That not only hurts the sites sustainability it also hurts the quality of traffic being delivered. PTC traffic is already low quality considering its incentive traffic. Lets not make it any worse...

ABP Free
Posts: 29
May 13th, 2023 at 07:10
mrhoff wrote:

My rented referral program will not change unless its to make it better. Recycling will always be free. I will never change that. Extending will always be 95% off or better as well. Also my upgrades are better because they come with a refund policy. If you did not make profit with your upgrade we will extend it for free. If you still can't make profit and we realize upgrading was not a smart move for your account we will issue a refund. As a PTC user myself I decided I wasn't going to run a PTC site I wouldn't be happy using. 



that's a big relief then.

ok, let's say, all's well that ends well on our end. my concern is, then how about you? i mean, this is a business, how can you make profits if there is almost nothing left on you? do you think, this is reasonable?

am just really confused as i don't get it, for those generous benefits you are giving us.

how i wish that all admins are selfless as you are. may GOD bless you more as surely we will be benefited from that blessings, too.


mrhoff wrote:

Now when you said you prefer the bot system. I can understand why one might think of that as a good thing but lets look at it from the point of view of the advertiser and then ask is putting in a bot system really smart. Generating artificial traffic and clicks...sounds like it would be harmful to the advertiser. I am here to deliver quality to both sides. Advertisers and members here to just make money should both get a good experience. I can't deliver that if I were to use bots. Which is why I decided I would never buy that addon. I have filters in place to sell only clicking referrals. Now because I can't force people to click I offer free recycling which now that it works properly should make a huge difference to everyone's earnings. The other side of that coin is everything seems great to you while all of them are making you those fake earnings as noone is really clicking ads. That means everything you are getting now will most likely in my opinion come to an end. That is because the admin can control every aspect of what you earn with that addon. That not only hurts the sites sustainability it also hurts the quality of traffic being delivered. PTC traffic is already low quality considering its incentive traffic. Lets not make it any worse...



1st of all, i never said that cordbux (admin) granted my request for bot system. in fairness to him, he just fixed the rrs system without argumenting nor contesting the 2 systems, the bot and the human. 

sorry, but i have no idea about that, being harmful to the advertiser. thank you for that knowledge sharing with me.

i hope, your opinion is wrong despite the fact of your logical thinking or reasoning. hahaha

i have no intentions to make that by preferring most of the bot system, just to not make any losses or big losses in renting rrs as it really pissed me off, or even in upgrading.

in that case, let's hope for the best and stay longer on ptc world as you can count on me or expect me here till the last. 😅





ABP Free
Posts: 29
May 25th, 2023 at 10:14
mrhoff wrote:



Thanks to evolutionscript this bug is now patched! Referral recycling is now working properly.



just to note or an update though it's too early to conclude as recycling is free and extension is very low in price or the ever, ever cheapest fee i saw in ptc world;

recycled 9 rrs 9 days ago, only 2 rrs have clicks, then 1 stopped clicking or had its final clicks last may 22 and other active rrs stopped clicking since may 12, others stopped since may 16, 21, 22 and 23. though i know that you will reply that they are human, so they will just click whenever they want. 😕

that's all, let's see in the coming days of recycling again and renting rrs, too as i have no luck in getting direct referrals (drs). 😔

please, this is only to inform/apprise you and no other means here. all other angles/aspects or even perspectives here, i'm very satisfied. 

all the best.


KYC Verified
Posts: 134
May 25th, 2023 at 11:40
recycled 9 rrs 9 days ago, only 2 rrs have clicks, then 1 stopped clicking or had its final clicks last may 22 and other active rrs stopped clicking since may 12, others stopped since may 16, 21, 22 and 23. though i know that you will reply that they are human, so they will just click whenever they want. 😕




You still only have 31 referrals. You are seeing 100 clicks per day. You need to get more to really start getting somewhere. You are playing the luck game right now with 31. It may seem like a lot but in comparison to real human activity you are going to need a lot more. The more you have the faster you are going to find the ones that actually are dedicated. Most people are not dedicated. You need to find the ones that are and that definitely takes time. However because it is real people you will find eventually you will grow a list of people that are here to win. That's what you need to look for. Recycle the RR's that aren't clicking for 2 or 3 days and also the ones that only click once or twice per day. Get rid of those as well. The filters are functioning properly so with time and effort you will do as good as my top guys. Just an example I have a member who has already maxed out gold direct referrals and he is doing amazing. His 500 DR have already made him $79 in commission and counting, those 500 DR's have generated him 40,115 clicks. It's about numbers. You will find the good ones, but with just 31 you are going to find most people are lazy. Keep searching for the winners because we have plenty!

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ABP Free
Posts: 5
May 25th, 2023 at 22:13

dear admin,how about me ?

I will lose at the end of the month [0.44 USD]

I think this is an error or something...

please..give me your best solution,thank you