Hi Diffender,
I will try explain your query in this. I want to let you know that, when you rent any refferals for 30 days, they been assign to your account as a fresh data on it, i mean to say even they have click on their past days, it will not show to your account as "Last click recent date" it will always show you as 'never", now from it's been added to your account, if that refferal they clicked the data automatically changes and the status changed into "new activity date under last click". Please be clear that, refferals click activity "Charts" doesn't move from one user to another.
About inactive refferals, since Adbuxpro don't sell bots which click 100% , every single refferals you either rent or been bought as a DR / or been reffered, they always have there own interest towards the website, so when you rent, there behaviour & interest changes depends on many reasons such as they might be new user who have no past PTC experience, they might join but just looking for it & going through, they might join thinking this will make them earn 1000$ within few days. I've seen that, few refferals goes inactive and few of them do click, and go inactive, it's just that we cannot predict it, you may find some serious clickers like you & me, that's what we need it. SInce whenever you feel it, they are not clicking it recycle it, kindly don't judge your refferals just based on few days inactivity.
I like to clear that, that's not how it works you thinking of 100% active, example with if a user have 100 RR, it's not possible to click 100 RR and even a 80 RR or even 50RR, it's just about there activity and how much good active refferal you are gaining by managing your account, the work ratio will always be less compared to the total amount of RR you have.
As this stage since you are a free member, i would suggest you to collect more RR as you can and also try to build a mixture of RR and DR ,this will take time to build, but this is not impossible, you just have to manage your account.
System assign refferals to your account based on there last activity of the refferals, since refferal can click after 3 days inactivity or refferal may click even after 10 days inactivity, that's how a person interest may change anytime.
I would also suggest read some forums, like here which i've explain quite alot yu'll have a good learning - -> https://adbuxpro.com/forum/topic/2185-Brainy-Stats?p=2&
Ofcourse, don't hesitate to reach to our amazing Support team or Chat, will help your any problems you have.
« Last Edit:
Jun 10th, 2024 at 10:54
by suthar00 »