Gamers of ABP

Started by brosecutor May 22nd, 2023 at 15:34
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May 22nd, 2023 at 15:34

Hi all,

Starting this thread to see how many of us are gamers. Sure hope I'm not the only one lol...
I've been playing games my whole life almost (at least feels like it). It slowed down a bit after I got married and have a child now, but you'll see me online in the early hours of the day (late night sessions) even if I do have to get up for work in a couple of hours 🤓.

I'm a huge fan of ARPG games like Diablo (can't wait for D4 to come out), but I do love the Elder Scrolls and Fallout series from Bethesda Games.

Anyone else here with the same taste in games like me?

Cheers, have a great day!

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May 23rd, 2023 at 03:05

Well, I used to game a lot more than I do at the moment, or have done in the past few years.
But, with that said, then one of my all time favorite games if not THE favorite one that I have played and still play from time to time, has to be Dungeon Keeper, the original one. By far the most fun I have had.
Had my crush on Diablo as well, especially the first one, but Diablo II was also quite good.
When I do make the time for it, then currently, I enjoy some Vintage Story, rather like the whole Lovecraftian theme it has, as well as the survivor and crafting system.
As for the MMORPG genre, then I have to admit that I have been around quite a few, from EverQuest, EverQuest 2, Anarchy Online, Lineage 2, WoW, Istaria, Asherons Call 2. Star Wars Galaxues and SWGCU (did not like the CU though).

Who knows, perhaps one day we will be able to set something up through here for people to possibly connect and play something together.

- There are no stupid questions

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May 23rd, 2023 at 11:07
DaSanko wrote:

Who knows, perhaps one day we will be able to set something up through here for people to possibly connect and play something together.



That sounds like a great idea actually. Once we grow big enough I think this could be a possibility.

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May 23rd, 2023 at 12:57
mrhoff wrote:
DaSanko wrote:

Who knows, perhaps one day we will be able to set something up through here for people to possibly connect and play something together.



That sounds like a great idea actually. Once we grow big enough I think this could be a possibility.


Oh yeah! That would be amazing!