Deposit Contest

Started by brainy Jun 21st, 2023 at 02:05
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Jun 21st, 2023 at 02:05

Hi All Especially to our Beloved admin

i know Most of people who in work PTC industry is now Finding New Trusted PTC's this is Because of what Happen in Scarlet.

Now, Based on my Opinion Only, for what purpose of this Contest?

Lets Talk One by one.

Rented Referrals - base on what admin said, Referrals are Human, No Guaranted, High RISK

FREE RECYCLE? also it is very Useless.

 Advertisement - it is also NOT advisable to advertise here

Can Anyone Share an Opinion How this D-Contest Works? and the Benefits?

Please Do not Hurt and offend, Because we are talking about Money Here.


Thank you

« Last Edit: Jun 21st, 2023 at 02:05 by brainy »
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Jun 21st, 2023 at 05:16

Hey, apologies if this may seem harsh, but I think you have it the other way round.

Human refs can be tricky to manage, because people would lose interest and quit in the world of PTC. But having bots that can be programmed to stop activity as soon as you stop recycling and extending is more of a risk for me. Think of it this way - you have to keep spending money to get anyrhing back, making your break eben point difficult to achieve, not to speak of profita which can take long time...

Also, having free recycling can't be bad, it just strenghtens my point from above. Ref is human - human not clicking - change human - repeat.

Would you rather pay and hope admin set the params of the bots in your favour?

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Jun 21st, 2023 at 08:00

Yes, But Most People Prefer to BOTS rather than Human,. Think Twice, if lose Sales Today then it will Lose forever, soo if Human Will not Click Today or Tomorrow you will Lose the Profit Forever,.

we defend our both Side,. i will not invest if i will not sure to get the Return,.

To be Honest, The Only way you can earn Money from here is the members who perform Surveys and Offers.

kindly Review, 

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Posts: 136
Jun 21st, 2023 at 08:08
brainy wrote:


Rented Referrals - base on what admin said, Referrals are Human, No Guaranted, High RISK

FREE RECYCLE? also it is very Useless.

 Advertisement - it is also NOT advisable to advertise here

Please Do not Hurt and offend, Because we are talking about Money Here.


Thank you



First of all free recyling is not useless. Secondly I can understand a site with only 4 thousand members may not be a great place to advertise but to say its not advisable is just beause you haven't actually done it here because I promise your opinion would be different if you did. Thing is I realize we are a brand new site and because of that yes advertising here may not be as effective as you would like however because of that fact everyone that has been advertising here has been getting a LOT of free credits from me just to make it more worth it for them. I go above and beyond and do things here no other Admin even cares to do.

« Last Edit: Jun 21st, 2023 at 08:49 by mrhoff »
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Jun 21st, 2023 at 08:12
brainy wrote:

Yes, But Most People Prefer to BOTS rather than Human,. Think Twice, if lose Sales Today then it will Lose forever, soo if Human Will not Click Today or Tomorrow you will Lose the Profit Forever,.

we defend our both Side,. i will not invest if i will not sure to get the Return,.

To be Honest, The Only way you can earn Money from here is the members who perform Surveys and Offers.

kindly Review, 




Bots are literally the downfall to every site. Any site that uses bots is bad. The fact you think they are good is just proof everyone is blind to this BOT SCAM because that is all it is. Bots are a SCAM. They will never be here because they 100% RUIN every single site that uses them. Why do you think scarlet went under. Why do you think neobux's advertising is worthless. Its all bot traffic. Bots are TERRIBLE.

« Last Edit: Jun 21st, 2023 at 08:50 by mrhoff »
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Jun 21st, 2023 at 08:23
brainy wrote:

Yes, But Most People Prefer to BOTS rather than Human,. Think Twice, if lose Sales Today then it will Lose forever, soo if Human Will not Click Today or Tomorrow you will Lose the Profit Forever,.

we defend our both Side,. i will not invest if i will not sure to get the Return,.

To be Honest, The Only way you can earn Money from here is the members who perform Surveys and Offers.

kindly Review, 


Sounds like this is your very first run in with an honest admin...

How can bots be good for anyone apart from the admin? You are missing the point of what both I and MrHoff said...

« Last Edit: Jun 22nd, 2023 at 07:11 by brosecutor »
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Jun 21st, 2023 at 08:26

Then to add to why we are running a deposit contest and referral contest. It's because we like giving away money for what everyone is already doing to make our website better and help it grow faster by rewarding user activity. Which is why I am running contests. We are just rewarding everyone for what they are already doing.

« Last Edit: Jun 21st, 2023 at 09:04 by mrhoff »
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Jun 21st, 2023 at 13:08

Good, For Referral Contest i Agree 100%,.


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Jun 21st, 2023 at 15:13

Hi everyone.

Well,in my honest opinion the first real point is that is NOT easy to satisfy everyone.

Ptcs are ruined on these days,no one trusts no one,members are scared to invest,etc.

Contests are an excelent way to advertise this website.

About rented bots/humans:

1-Bots are not members,even Neobux,Scarlet,etc always use it and they are NOT profitable at ALL!

2-If this website offers at least some ptc credits with some purchases,members will use it to advertise! This way we will have more members ads!

3-No one comes to a service to earn $0.01 or $0.02 daily,thats why members do NOT stay too long!

4-Ptcs only work for both parts if members start to invest or the service will bankrupt in a few months due to free members starting to request cashouts without spending a dime!

5-Grid addon (in my opinion),should pays on EVERY clicks members make,even if the prizes are low! That way members will use it as they know they always get a prize for EACH click!

6-Free members earn money,they transfer it to purchase ads or rent some referrals.

7-Its NOT EASY to sell upgrades. But if the upgrades start with lower prices and also low limits(referrals),members will think twice if they upgrade or not!

This is just my opinion.

Sorry for all this text.💯


Lets Awake up PTCs Again!